Handyman Home Safety Check & Repair Service
Bryson Energy in partnership with the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust are providing a Home Safety Check & Handyman service for older people living in Belfast. The service is aimed at those over 65 years (or vulnerable adult) living in the Belfast City Council area. The service provides a free home safety check and reduced handyman repair rates, the service is available 9am – 5pm (excl public holidays).
The service for those age 65+ (or vulnerable adult) and in receipt of benefits are eligible for a free home safety check with repairs charged at £5.00 per hour. Those age 65+ (or vulnerable adult) and who do not receive benefits are eligible for a free home safety check with repairs charged at £15.00 per hour. All materials are to be supplied by the occupant, with some items are provided free of charge such as glue, nails, sandpaper, etc.
Contact details
- Freephone – 0800 14 22 865
- Email – handyman@brysonenergy.org
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