Making Life Better Together

Age-friendly Belfast

New Age-friendly Belfast Plan 2018-2021 launched

An Age-friendly city is one in which people of all ages can actively participate, and where everyone is treated with respect, regardless of their age.

In May 2012 Belfast was the first city in Northern Ireland to join the World Health Organisation Global Network of Age-friendly Cities and Communities and in 2017 we came to the end of our first age-friendly plan.

We reviewed our achievements and challenges and following public consultation we have launched our new plan. CLICK HERE

We asked older people and those organisations who work to meet the needs of older people what would make Belfast more age friendly and through this plan we will:

  • reach out to those who feel lonely and isolated
  • improve the physical  environment to make it easier for older people to get around, stay active and meet their friends
  • assist those older people on low incomes and help prevent scams
  • make the city an local neighbourhoods more friendly  for those people living with dementia

We have listened to what we have been told and have brought together a great many organisations to work together with older people to help make Belfast a city where older people can live life to the full.

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