Keeping Well at Home
Like many countries around the world, Northern Ireland had to lockdown in response to the coronavirus pandemic. We have listened to advice and stayed at home; this helped to reduce the spread of the virus and it reduced the pressure on our NHS, but it hasn’t been easy for older people and other age groups.
Age-friendly Belfast, as part of the Age Friendly Network NI have worked with The Healthy Ageing Research Group based at the University of Manchester and other Greater Manchester organisations, AGE NI, the Public Health Agency, the Frailty Network and Lady Mary Peters to develop a booklet that gives some ideas and suggestions for older people to keep well at home
Staying away from family and friends is hard, particularly during times of stress, this booklet has some ideas about what we can do for ourselves that can help.
Keeping Well at Home Booklet July 2020
We are spending more time at home and this booklet has some ideas and suggestions to keep us safe and well:
· Keeping our mind well
· Moving well at home
· Strength and balance
· Keeping nourished
· Keeping warm
· Avoiding scams
For more information or a copy of the leaflet contact or tel 07967646146
Move With Mary
Age NI have teamed up with Lady Mary Peters to launch an exercise programme
Move with Mary is a series of five exercise videos. They cater for every level of capability, ranging from simple seated stretches, to balance, strength and gentle aerobic exercises suited to older people. The videos have been developed in partnership to support the work of Age Friendly Network NI and the Northern Ireland Frailty Network . See link to access the videos or sign up for a DVD