Expression of Interest | Community Strength and Balance Training Programme
Do you have a suitable venue in the North or East of the city to host an Active Belfast Community Strength and Balance Training Programme? If so, read on.
Active Belfast would like to invite interested parties to complete an Expression of Interest Form [EOI Appendix 1, EOI Appendix 2] for the hire of community facilities to run Strength and Balance Training Programme for clients at risk of a fall / previously had a fall.
Physical activity referral is an Active Belfast initiative and offers clients a range of physical activity opportunities to encourage adults to build physical activity into their everyday life for improved health and wellbeing.
Along with the Falls Programme, Active Belfast have developed a number of referral programmes for chronic conditions, including Cardiac Rehabilitation, Cancer Rehabilitation and Diabetes Type II.
Deadline for returns is Friday 12 October 2017 by email to
For more information please contact a the Active Belfast Team on 028 9050 2073
The community Strength and Balance training programme is a partnership initiative between the Public Health Agency, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, Age Friendly Belfast and Active Belfast.