Making Life Better Together

Age-friendly Belfast launches it’s new Pharmacy Charter

Age-friendly  Belfast launches it’s new Pharmacy Charter

Pharmacists, local representatives and older people came together during Positive Ageing Month in October 2019 to launch the Age-friendly Belfast Pharmacy Charter.

Alderman Sonia Copeland welcomed people to the event and presentations included information on why the charter is needed, how to sign up, benefits to signing up, the importance of health literacy and developing dementia friendly pharmacies.

We have worked with pharmacy representatives, older people, the Health Social Care Board, Alzheimer’s Society and Belfast Healthy Cities to adopt our general Age-friendly Belfast Charter. Dundela Pharmacy and Clear pharmacy on the Shankill Road have already sign up and this short video shows the difference that age-friendly pharmacies can make

There are 130 community pharmacies in Belfast and we want to get as many of them signed up to this charter as possible.

To participate in the charter pharmacies:

See our flow chart for how to take part and more information on our Age-friendly Belfast Pharmacy Charter

For more information on this initiative contact Elma Greer or Tanya Hay Tel 028 9050 2073, email: