Making Life Better Together

Small Grants Available for Community & Voluntary Organisations!

The five Northern Ireland Drug and Alcohol Coordination Teams (NIDACTs), alongside the Public Health Agency (PHA), would like to invite you to apply for grants of up to £500 (maximum of two per organisation) to develop and run events and or initiatives in support of Dry January/Feel Good February 2017.

The focus of Dry January is to support and encourage people to totally abstain from drinking alcohol for that whole month by providing alcohol related information, advice and/or support and suggesting or providing alcohol-free leisure and social alternatives.

The focus then of Feel Good February is to support and encourage people who have participated in Dry January to maintain some of the good habits or alternatives that they have put in place (e.g. continuing not to drink alcohol with meals, continuing with a leisure interest or hobby that they may have started in January as an alternative to habits or social activities they used to do which involved alcohol) through February and beyond.

If you are from a community or voluntary organisation applications should be made via the NIDACTs website (link given below) and completing the short online application form. Deadline for submissions is 4pm on Friday 9th December 2016.

Should you require any further info please contact your local DACT Connections Service


(South Eastern)





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